


All 成绩 are considered final once they are submitted to the 司法常务官办公室. An 教练 may request a change in the student's grade if the 教练 has made 计算或书写错误. 不得在复验的基础上改变成绩 或者补充工作. 除非在上诉政策中概述的情况下 a Final Failing Grade (Faculty Handbook, Part 2 .选D—effective June 2010), petitions 更改成绩必须由有关教员提出并提交 提交学术地位委员会审议. 经同意 of the 教练 and CAS, 成绩 may be changed as a consequence of an academic integrity infraction or upon the recommendation of the Committee on Academic Freedom and Rights (CAFR). 中心的职能是接收有关的查询和投诉 academic freedom and rights and to consider formal charges of violations of academic 从包括学生在内的任何学院成员那里获得自由和权利. 调查 concerning 成绩 must be initiated by students (including seniors) as soon as possible after 成绩 have been released, and no later than the first two weeks of the following 学期.


The Committee on Academic Freedom and Rights (CAFR) does not hear grade dispute cases from students unless efforts have first been made to resolve matters within the appropriate 部门或项目. 如果,在与导师和部门协商后 or program chair, the student has evidence that the grade reflects a bias on the part of the 教练 in violation of academic freedom and rights, the student may present 把证据交给CAFR. CAFR无权更改等级,但有权更改等级 侵犯学术自由和 rights with respect to 成绩, can make a recommendation to the 教练 and Committee 在学术地位(CAS)上要求改变成绩. 任何等级的改变都需要 教员的同意.


Excerpt from 2011-2012 Faculty Handbook, 最后不及格成绩上诉政策, Part 2 .选D

D. 最后不及格成绩上诉政策 


Instructors are responsible for clearly articulating the basis for determining students' 成绩. 共享成绩基础对于确保公平和公平的待遇至关重要 学生和他们的工作. 学生有权得到及时、有效的通知 以明确的态度评价其学业成绩的依据 a course, and a student is entitled to fair, equitable treatment in his or her academic 与教职员工的关系. 在大多数情况下,如果不是所有的情况,学院 期望任何火博体育评分的误解将以非正式方式解决 在写作或讨论中,在学生和老师之间. 下面的呼吁 处理只针对最终不及格的成绩.


A student who believes that he or she has a legitimate grievance that his or her coursework 在他的计算中是否以偏见或反复无常的方式进行评估 or her final failing grade should first make a request in writing to the faculty 成员 参与确认没有计算或书写错误. 学生 must make this request not later than two weeks after the start of the following 学期. 教师必须在收到学生的书面答复后两周内 火博体育请求. 理想情况下,学生和教师应该见面讨论 有问题的最终成绩. 如果老师和学生之间的沟通 results in the 教练 requesting to change a grade, then the 教练 must submit a petition to change the grade to the Associate 学院院长 for Student Academic 事务和请愿书必须提交给学术地位委员会 (CAS),以供考虑. 如果学生在火博体育学院以外的地方学习 the following 学期, or if the faculty 成员 is on leave in the following 学期, the request for an explanation still must be filed within two weeks after the start 那个学期的. 但是,如果学生或教职员工提出要求,则 学院院长和学院副院长可以推迟上诉程序 the Faculty for 学生学术事务 until the student returns to his or her studies 在学校或教师休假归来.

如果学生对老师的解释不满意,或者开会 不可能或者不被建议,或者如果老师这么做了 未在收到学生的请求后两周内作出回应的,则由学生自行处理 may report the grievance in writing with supporting documentation to the appropriate 系主席(在ID课程的情况下,为教员主席) 谁指定了年级或项目主管,并将报告副本提交给谁 学院院长和学生学术学院副院长 事务. 如果讲师是系主任或项目主任,则要求 可以寄给学院院长吗. 学生必须在校内提出这个要求 four weeks after having sent his or her initial request for an explanation from the 教练. 学生的证明文件必须提供有偏见的证据 或者反复无常的分级. 特别地,学生必须提供一个或多个证明 •教师使用了不恰当的标准 决定最后的不及格分数.

• The 教练 assigned a grade on some basis other than performance in the course.


The appropriate department chair or program 导演 must respond to the student in 在收到申请后两星期内书面提出. 系主任系主任或项目主任 主任将与指导老师联系,以获得标准的解释和 评估学生课程作业的标准. 如果,经过协商 教员(如果可能)在审查书面证据后 appropriate department chair or program 导演 finds legitimate cause for the complaint, he or she will try to work toward an equitable solution with the student and faculty 成员. 如果解决方案导致教师要求更改分数,那么 教师必须向副院长提交更改成绩的请愿书 of the Faculty for 学生学术事务 and the petition must be brought before CAS供考虑.

If the appropriate department chair or program 导演 concludes there is no cause for the complaint, or if there is a disagreement between the appropriate department chair or program 导演 and the faculty 成员, the student may request in writing a review by the 学院院长 and the Associate 学院院长 for Student Academic 事务, the faculty 成员, and the appropriate department chair or program 导演. 该请求必须提交给学院院长和副院长 学院院长 for 学生学术事务 by the end of the 学期 following 授予该分数的学期.

The written request must include a full account of the incident or circumstances giving 引起对偏见或反复无常的评分的抱怨. 如果是学院院长 负责学生学术事务的副院长在此结束演讲 is no cause for complaint, the Dean of Faculty will inform the student, the 教练, 并由相应的系主任或项目主任以书面形式说明申诉 被否认了. 但是,如果审查结果导致教师要求更改 a grade, then the 教练 must submit a petition to change the grade with the Associate 学生学术事务学院院长和请愿书必须提交 提交CAS审议.

If 学院院长和学生学术学院副院长 事务建议将最后的不及格等级改为及格等级,并且 if the faculty 成员 who gave the original grade objects to changing the final failing grade to a passing letter grade, then the 学院院长, in consultation with 负责学生学术事务的副院长和系主任 主席或项目主任,可向教员建议更改成绩 到满意的.

If the faculty 成员 rejects the recommendation of the 学院院长, Associate 学院院长 for 学生学术事务, and the appropriate department chair or program 导演, to change the final failing grade to a passing grade or 到满意的, the 学院院长, with the Associate 学院院长 for Student Academic 学生事务,可以向中科院提出变更等级的申请,由中科院考虑. 只有 院系代表有权更改最终不及格成绩 grade 到满意的, and only following a vote where the majority of those faculty CAS的代表批准了这一变更.

A student's failure to meet time limits will result in denial of the student's appeal. 如果教员、系主任、项目主任或院长未能达到要求 截止日期,上诉将进入下一阶段.